Candles for Ukraine

We are planning to take our church candle stubs and old tea lights to be recycled. They will be remoulded into new candles by the Swindon Humanitarian Aid Partnership and then sent to Ukraine. The candles provide light and heat to those who are living without power which covers 40% of the population.

If you have any old candles at home you would like to donate, please leave them in the box at the back of the church and we will include them in our delivery.

Sign up for the Alpha Course

Our next Alpha course will be running on Monday evenings from September 23 for 10 weeks. Alpha is a great opportunity to learn more about the Christian faith in a relaxed setting. We start at 7:30pm with a meal, watch a video on some aspect of the Christian faith, and then have a time of discussion. No questions are off limits!

Do think about coming (even if you have done it before) and who you might invite.

Welcome Team and Communications Team - Volunteers Needed

Following the ‘Everybody Welcome’ course we would like to put together two teams:

Welcome team (who would have a focus on making the church as welcoming as possible, especially for new people, and championing whole church welcome)

Communications team (who would focus on ensuring our notices boards, website, leaflets, news sheet, social media presence was best reflecting who we are as a church, and keeping people up to date with what we are doing.

If you are interested in being part of either of those teams (or both), then do please let Ruth or Andrew know.